
Частна образователна група „Светлина“ стартира социална кампания на тема „Семейството – съкровищница на традиции“. Кампанията подчертава важната роля на семейните ценности и традиции за изграждането на силни и отговорни личности. Училището и детската градина също играят изключителна роля в този процес, като партньори на семейството в съхранението и предаването на тези ценности. Водени от принципите на любов, уникалност, заедност и хармония, ние в „Светлина“ вярваме, че чрез съвместната работа между семейството и образователната група, създаваме по-добро бъдеще за нашите деца и обществото.


Тази година социалната кауза е с надслов „25 години „Светлина“ по пътя на всяко дете!“. Кампания, която подчиняваме на четирите ценности на “Светлина”, които следвайки ги през годините са ни помогнали в изграждането на щастливи и будни деца, осъзнати в своята отговорност да оставят своя принос към света и обществото.

Тези житейски ценности са неизменна част от развитието на хората. И ако преди основно сме следвали, то днес сме призвани да избираме. Тази година социалната кауза ще бъде насочена именно към съзнателно изследване на всяка една от тези ценности  – Любов, Уникалност, Заедност и Хармония.


През тази година социалната каузата на ОГ „Светлина“ премина под надслов „Символи на времето“. Символи пренесени до наши дни чрез българската шевица. Основната ни цел беше да станем по-запознати с историята ни, да осъзнаем силата на предците и символите на времето, които са достигнали до нас. Заложихме различни събития, в които да преоткриваме и да обогатяваме знанието си как е възникнала, каква информация ни носи, какви послания за бъдещите поколения изпраща. Защо е била толкова важна част от българската народна носия. Обръщайки поглед назад към изминалата учебна година виждаме, колко много идеи в тази посока успяхме да осъществим.

sun divider 2021

Bee the Change. Bee the Hero Campaign 2021

The social campaign "Save the Earth - Be the Change" is supported by Balkan Apiaries Association and Kaufland Bulgaria. It aims to raise children's awareness from an early age about the contribution of bees to the survival of humanity and the preservation of planet Earth, as well as to encourage them to engage in the care and conservation of this biological species. The campaign provides a series of educational activities to teach children about the role and place of bees in the environment in an attractive and accessible way.

sun divider 2020

Charity campaign “Do good” 2020

The charity campaign conducted in December 2020 covered Svetlina nurseries and kindergartens and primary school and aimed to support three Bulgarian family-type accommodation centres in the town of Rakovski, village of Brezovo and village of Zelenikovo with food and non-food products through Bulgarian Mothers’ Movement Foundation. Social campaign “The challenge to live plastic-free 2019” continues for an unlimited period of time

sun divider 2019

Social campaign “The challenge to live plastic-free 2019” continues for an unlimited period of time

A social campaign which aims to acquaint children in detail with the issue related to the excessive use of plastic materials and its consequences in social, economic and environmental terms. Educational activities are planned which present the current situation in depth, as well as the measures that should be taken worldwide; above all, however, the introduction of personal responsibility as part of the solution to the problem by understanding the need for recycling, separate collection of plastic waste, as well as minimising the use of this material. 

sun divider 2015-2018

Charity campaign 2015 - 2018

A charity campaign organised to collect toys in support of Holiday Heroes and their campaign “Donate a Toy”. This campaign was conducted for 3 years and the teachers and children of Svetlina Education Group were do-gooders, participating personally and / or providing toys in the name of the cause.

sun divider 2016

Charity campaign 2016

A charity campaign which was organised to collect clothes and toys and donated funds to Social Support Centre in the town of Radomir at SOS Children’s Villages Bulgaria.

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Charity campaign 2014


A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds to Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment – Plovdiv AD.

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Charity campaign 2013

A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds to Children with Oncohematologic Diseases Association and an organised joint Christmas celebration by some of the children and their parents together with Svetlina Education Group.

The aim was to use the funds raised for the construction of a Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Oncohematological Diseases in the village of Opitsvet /the eighth one in the world/. The centre was built for 10 years and it has been a fact since 2020.

sun divider 2012

Charity campaign 2012

A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds for the benefit of St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library in relation to the Adopt a Book campaign. The purpose of the funds raised was to restore literary monuments such as manuscripts and old printed books, newspapers and magazines, rare and valuable editions and archive items.

sun divider 2011

Charity campaign 2011

A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds to St. Nicholas Orphanage at Holy Trinity Monastery in the village of Novi Han and joint activities with the children from both institutions. The campaign was broadcast by bTV.

sun divider 2010

Charity campaign 2010


A charity bazaar organised on the occasion of the World Earth Day on 22 April for children and students of the entire capital municipality in South Park with an asphalt drawing competition “Love and Protect the Earth”.

sun divider 2009

Charity campaign 2009

Organised jointly with "Rotary Club" Bulgaria by raising funds for fees of psychologists and speech therapists in the Home for Children Deprived of Parental Care “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, as well as joint Christmas celebrations with children from the Home and Svetlina Education Group.

sun divider 2008

Charity campaign 2008

A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds in support of the campaign of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria to support children at risk “Bulgarian Christmas”.

sun divider 2007

Charity campaign 2007

A charity campaign organised to collect and donate  educational materials and Bulgarian books for Bulgarian children outside the country /Ukraine and Moldova/ together with Bulgarian Memory Foundation.

sun divider 2006

Charity campaign 2006

A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds to Foundation for support and development of children’s and youth ice hockey in Bulgaria “Kiril Vazharov”.

sun divider 2004

Charity campaign 2004

A charity campaign organised to collect and donate teaching materials and aids to 30th Secondary School “Bratya Miladinovi”.

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Charity campaign 2003

Donated teaching materials and aids during the exhibition “School 2003” organised within the Week of Sofia Education conducted by Capital Municipality.

sun divider 2002

Charity campaign 2002

A charity campaign organised to collect and donate teaching materials and aids to Nursery No. 66.

sun divider 2001

Charity campaign 2001

Donated teaching materials and aids to Vazrazhdane Residential Area, Capital Municipality.

sun divider 2000

Charity campaign 2000

A charity campaign organised to raise and donate funds and joint activities with For Our Children Foundation to support Home for Medical and Social Care for Children “St. Sofia”.